Install Npm On Osx

mountebank knows first-hand how frustrating it is to be working in .NET and have tofiddle with a JDK just to get a testing library working, and the hassle of setting upruby in your build pipeline to compile CSS even though you're on a Java project. mountebankwants you to be happy, and therefore he supports the following hassle-free installation options,which he assures you just work.

$ sudo apt install libpq-dev then try to removing the nodemodules and do npm install again. Note Please take a note that this is not a problem with the node modules, the problem is on the my machine, it doesn't meet the criteria of libpq. On Ubuntu, if you would rather manage Node through the default repositories using apt, it's best to install both nodejs and npm this way. It's very likely that the version of npm you are using is expecting semver in a specific place that is not aligned with the version of Node JS you have installed.

Optionnode.js required?sudo required?linksDescription
Docker imageNoNoDocker hubCan run with a command like docker run --rm -p 2525:2525 -p 8080:8080 mountebank:2.4.0 mb start --configfile imposters.ejs
Self-contained archivesNoNoSimply unpack and run mb from inside. See below for Windows constraints.
OS-specific packagesNoYesPuts mb at /usr/local/bin, which is generally in the PATH.
source tarballYesNosource tarball if you roll that way.

Running as a system daemon

You can also configure mountebank to run as a unix system daemon. A sample ansible playbook and systemd configuration file isavailable here (Tested on RHEL7 and Centos7).

Windows path limitations

*mountebank wishes very much for your Windows experience to be hassle-free, but he is simply not qualified to address a particular constraint of Windows Explorer. For legacy reasons, some Windows applications, including most notably Windows Explorer, have a maximum number of characters allowed in a path of 260 characters. As mountebank writes these words, the longest path he includes in the zip files is around 175 characters. The zip file name, which is likely to represent itself as two nested directories if you use the defaults to unzip it, will be around 25 characters. That gives you very little wiggle room. If you unzip the file in your users directory, you may very likely get an error because of this constraint.

Install Npm On Mac Brew

The following solutions will all work:


Install Npm On Osx 10.13

  • Unzip to the root of your C: drive (or a similar small path)
  • Use 7zip to unzip the file instead of Windows Explorer
  • Use npm to install mountebank instead of the zip file

If you’re looking for an easy guide to install Node.js and npm on OS X and macOS — this is it.

Before we get started, are you listening to JS Party? If not, you should be! Maybe start with our episode all about best practices for Node developers. ✊

Npm Install Osx Error

The default method for installing Node.js is to download a pre-built installer for your platform, install it and make sure it’s on your $PATH.

However, if you’re a Homebrew fan like me and prefer to install all of your packages with it — ensuring your packages are installed using the same commands and directories and allowing Homebrew to easily manage upgrades and updates — then this guide will help you get started.

Install Npm On Macbook

Install Node.js and npm with Homebrew


First, install Homebrew.

Then run brew update to make sure Homebrew is up to date.

As a safe measure you should run brew doctor to make sure your system is ready to brew. Run the command below and follow any recommendations from brew doctor.

Next, add Homebrew’s location to your $PATH in your .bash_profile or .zshrc file.

Next, install Node (npm will be installed with Node):

To test out your Node and npm install, try installing Grunt (you might be asked to run with sudo):

If that worked then congratulations — you’ve installed Node.js, npm, and Grunt.

If not — retrace your steps or post a question to Stack Overflow.


Install Npm On Osx Software

Listen to related podcasts on The Changelog

Install Npm On Osx Windows 10

Install npm on osx mac

Since you’re interested in Node.js, npm, and Homebrew — listen to some recent related podcasts we’ve done on those subjects.